Adam Hathaway

Software Developer


Adam joined IS in August 0f 2018. He is a student of the University of Maine, Orono studying mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace engineering and minors in mathematics and physics.

Adam joined IS in August 0f 2018. He is a student of the University of Maine, Orono studying mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace engineering and minors in mathematics and physics. As a software developer, he has been working mainly on the xEvolve tool specializing in UX design while assisting the technical team on other projects as needed. Outside of IS Adam works as a Firefighter and Advanced Emergency Medical Technician.


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A Primer on Storage

There are a multitude of Energy Storage Technologies (ESS) that include:

Lead Acid

Lithium-Ion: include a range of electrolyte chemistries each with their own combination of cost, lifecycle, and charge/discharge rates. There are five Maine lithium-ion types:

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Maine Artificial Intelligence Webinar

Wednesday, April 29, 2020, from 1 to 3 pm, the University of Maine will be hosting a Zoom webinar. This webinar is for the Maine business community, policymakers, attorneys, healthcare

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Microgrid Knowledge Virtual Conference June 1-3

Agenda Join us for Microgrids as a Recovery Tool During Social and Economics Disruption, a free, three-day virtual conference. June 1: The Health, Economic and Environmental Influences Giving Rise to

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