Kay Aikin
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Kay co-founded Introspective Systems and now serves as Chief Executive Officer of the company. As CEO she evangelizes for the company securing contract work and setting overall strategy as well as being the outward public face of the company.
Kay Aikin is the CEO of Introspective Systems, a software company based in Portland Maine. She is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University and holds a degree in energy/sustainability engineering. She has spent her career as an energy engineer, architectural designer, and business development executive.
Kay’s cumulative expertise enables her to lead Introspective Systems in the development of software solutions that must reconcile the conflicting demands of business, engineering, technical, and regulatory requirements.
She has spent years working with Dr. Caryl Johnson studying the application of complex system design in relation to a variety of problems but is especially focused on the integration of Distributed Energy Resources into the electrical grid. Kay’s focus has been on IoT applications in the electrical grid as an expansion of her experience in sustainable technologies. She is a recognized Transactive Energy expert and is a regular speaker at conferences on this subject. Additionally, she is highly sought after for her expertise in Intelligence on the Edge for Optimal Use of Energy Resources. She is a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society, Smart Electric Power Alliance, Seismological Society of America. She is an active participant in the Transactive Energy Working Group, Building to Grid Working group for the Smart Electrical Power Alliance, Grid Wise Architecture Council and the International Transactive Energy Working Group.

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